How to Make Coins in FIFA 22 Using FUTBIN?


FUTBIN is the most valuable supplementary website to FUT. Working with SBC solutions on Futbin to make a profit. There are 3 ways to make FIFA 22 coins with this method.

1. Flipping solution cards (investing at a low point, selling at a peak)

Find cards which are often in the top 5 Futbin solutions of the SBC(s) you are trading with. At the start of the game cycle, the SBCs you want to be looking at are “League & Nation Hybrid”, “Hybrid Leagues”, “Hybrid Nations” SBC sets. Out of these 3 SBC sets, the best ones are usually the “Puzzle Master”, “First XI” and “Around the World” SBCs.

Once you identified a couple of players that are frequently in one of the top Futbin solutions, you have to look at their fluctuations. They need to have a good rise every time they are in a top solution – otherwise, it will not be worth it to invest! Use the Futbin graphs and/or Futbin tracker to find out their usual peak price and their low point

Futbin graphs

If you found a few players which have similar fluctuations like shown in the graph above, all you need to do is keep watching their prices and buy at an average low point; once they hit an average peak you can sell!

There are some things you have to watch out for

– Pack supply: when there is new supply from packs, e.g. SB rewards, you will notice that your players dropped – every new supply adjusts the average peak and the average low point downwards so your buy prices have to also adjust

– Sometimes it takes an entire day for the player to reach the peak so don’t panic

– Peak times are usually only a couple of minutes long so don’t buy too many of one card and keep them always listed for the peak price

2. Sniping cards from top solutions

This is probably the most simple way to use the Futbin method because it requires the least amount of skill

Click on one of the top solutions on Futbin (from the SBCs mentioned above)

Go through all of the players in that solution; compare the price shown on Futbin to the price on the market!

If a player is way more expensive on the market than it’s shown on Futbin, snipe him for the price that Futbin shows

List slightly below the current market value to guarantee a quick sale

This is an example from an SBC during TOTS (not early FIFA 22 cycle but it’s just to show how the method works):

Top Futbin solution

Top Futbin solution

We click on the players

Pavlenks shown at 1,4k on Futbin


– We compare it to the market price

– Pavlenka instant selling at 2,6k which is 1,2k more than Futbin shows

– We try to snipe the ones that pop up for 1,4k


3. Creating your own Futbin solutions

First of all a little disclaimer: this requires good SBC skills since you need to build the cheapest solution available; Not everyone can do this. I personally rarely ever do it.

Pick a player that is currently very cheap and fits the requirements of your SBC. The player you pick has to be vital for your solution

Go to Futbin and create a solution that is the cheapest including your player

Once your solution pops up at Futin as the cheapest solution you quickly invest into your player

Wait for the rise and sell

Alternative: you could wait for new solutions to pop up, identify the vital players in the new solution and rash invest into the vital player; this way you don’t need to make the solution yourself, but instead “camp” on the solutions

Example for method 1:

The graph I showed above as an example of how to identify players with good fluctuations was the graph of Alejandro Silva! He was a really nice player to use for this method last year because you could buy him every day under 2k and sell for 3k+


another card that worked really well last year was Quintero


In general, I would say the Conmebol cards were the best to use – something to keep in mind!
