FIFA 22 PC Requirements

FIFA 22 is designed to run well on PC hardware so that as many players as possible can board and play. To play FIFA 22 at its best on PC, we recommend the following system specifications.

  Minimum Recommended
OS 64-bit Windows 7 64-bit Windows 10
Graphic Card Radeon HD 7850 or Equivalent (AMD)
GeForce GTX 660 or Equivalent (NVIDIA)
Radeon R9 270X or Equivalent (AMD)
GeForce GTX 670 or Equivalent (NVIDIA)
Processor Athlon X4 880K @4GHz or Equivalent (AMD)
Core i3-6100 @3.7GHz or Equivalent (Intel)
FX 8150 @3.6GHz or Equivalent (AMD)
Core i5-3550 @3.40GHz or Equivalent (Intel)
Memory 8 GB 8 GB
Hard-drive 50 GB 50 GB

How to verify your PC meets system requirements

  1. Open the Start menu or a Windows Explorer window and right click Computer;
  2. Click on the Properties option at the bottom of the pull down menu – this will open a window with details about your operating system, processor, and memory (RAM);
  3. Compare your specifications with the FIFA 22 PC system requirements. As long as your computer meets the minimum requirements, it can run FIFA 22 on modest settings. However, the recommended specifications will give you the best experience.